Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Ok, so I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I know we did.  Now back to Economics.

Be sure to pay attention to the details of the mechanics of your papers using the MLA format. 
Be sure to remember the other criteria for your papers:
  • double spaced
  • 12 point font
  • Times New Roman font
  • 5 pages
  • 5 sources - at least two books, only three from the internet.
  • As current a source that you can find.
  • pages numbered - you can do this in MS Word
  • NO cover page
  • look at your example paper for other details.
  • strong topic sentences for paragraphs
  • check your outlines as you write your papers and stick to it and you will do well.
IF you have any other questions, please call or email me.

For next week look over your book and write down questions that need further discussion.
We will make a study guide for the final and review on the 8th and on the 15th. 
The final will be a take home test with guidelines that will be given to you on the 15th.  IT will be due on Sunday, Dec 19th and you can bring it to me at church. 

Have a great week.

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