Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I pray that you all had a blessed Christmas and appreciated spending time with your families.  We did get to go to my family's and I get to see my precious 6-month-old great neice.  She is adorable and she likes me!!! Yay!!!  I held out my arms and she came right to me. 

As for Class, I called everyone or at least their mom's and left messages:  NO CLASS tomorrow night (January 5th)!!  Just FYI.  I will get your paper's and tests graded and have your grades ready by next week.  Sorry that I didn't get it done over the Holidays as I planned, but I was sick also and had to rest!!!  I am almost fully recuperated from bronchitis. 

Be sure that you get your books if you don't already have one. The ISBN number is 978-0-945617-46-0 and is the Revised Edition. The name of the book is Whatever Happened to Justice? by Richard Maybury.  It is also an Uncle Eric book.  It, however, is longer than the Penny Candy book so we will have more reading to do this semester than before.  I haven't decided yet if I am going to have you write another paper or not, but you will have some type of research project to do.  This may be more current events, etc.

Anyway, I will see you all next Wednesday, January 12th at 5:00 PM!  Be there or be square!!!

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