Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So sorry that I forgot to blog your assignment last week, but I remembered tonight so here goes!!

  • Look over the book especially chapters 14 and 15 and bring any questions that you have next week so that we can work through any misinformation, etc.
  • Continue and finish up the research for your papers.  Keep good track of your references so that they can be cited correctly in your finished work.  Refer to the info you were given this evening on MLA citation examples. 
  • Remember also that your paper should be at least 5 pages in length, but not longer than 10 (that does NOT include your Works Cited page!).  Times New Roman font 12, double spaced.  Please refer to this website so that you know how to format the first page of your paper:   You will see several links and you need to find the one that says sample paper. Make sure that is under the MLA tab at the upper left hand corner of the pages. 
  • Check the Federal Debt clock once or twice this week and keep track of the latest amount.  Write it down and bring in so that we can compare with before.
That is basically your assignment. 

Your revised syllabus is as follows:
Nov 17. Finish with Chapter 14 and 15.      Review rest of book.    Work on Rough Draft.

Nov 24  No class for Thanksgiving break, but your rough draft is due today.  Email it to me by the 24th so that I will have time to get it back to you before Dec 1 with comments. 
My email is

Dec 1 Rough Drafts returned; begin final revision.  We will begin to review for the final  exam and so if you still have questions let me know. 

Dec 8 - I completely left this week off when writing on the board, so we have an extra evening.  We will work on a study guide for the test. Finish up your research papers this week. If you have any last minute questions and you want me to look at it before you finish it and after you make revisions then just email it to me again. 

Dec 15 - This is the last class for economics.  Bring in the Final draft of your Research paper. We will tie up any loose ends, and review one last time for the test.  Your final exam will be a take home test. I may or may not let you use your notes.  (If you have good study notes between tonight the 10th and the 15th I may let you use them for the test, but that will be determined on the 15th.)  You can study as much as you want, but it will be due on Sunday, Dec 19th. Bring it to me at church.

If you or your parents have any questions about any of this have them email me or call.  You have my number.  Have a good week.

Love, Mrs. Debi

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