Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We had a good class again this evening.  I hope that you are getting as much from this as I am.  Here are you assignments for the week.

  • Keep on researching for your paper.  Take time to go to the public library and ask the reference librarian for help.  That is what she is there for. 
  • Remember notes are very brief sentence fragments not more than 3-5 words.  They are NOT complete sentences.  Only put your direct quotes in complete sentences on your note cards.
  • Some of you need to redo the paragraph on the Boom and Bust Cycle and explain what it is.
  • Read Chapters 12 and 13 - pp. 82-93. 
  • Google Federal Debt clock or go to
  • Make a chart and keep track of the amount of Federal Dept for four days in a row. Put the dates and the amount.  It is probably a good idea to do it the same time every day, but you might want to check it several times in one day as well to see how it changes. 
  • Look at your Economic Time Table.  Make another chart with the Federal Debt in 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1835. What conclusions can you draw from this information?
Hope you all have a good week.

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