Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We had a good class this afternoon.  You all are doing well.  Don't worry about that one quiz.  I will probably drop the lowest grade anyway.  Be sure if you are absent that you contact someone for the class notes.  We did not have any handouts today so you don't have to worry about that.  Your assignment is as follows:
  • Begin work on your research paper.  Your notes are due on October 27.  So get busy!!!
  • Read Chapter 8: Fast Money.  Know definitions.
  • As you read look for the answers to these questions:
  1. Why would people want to trade away their money quickly?
  2. What is the term for the speed at which money changes hands?
  3. What are the three stages of inflation?
  4. Do inflations have to follow the 1,2,3 stages in the order discussed above?  Explain.  List examples from history to support your answer.
  5. What keeps velocity under control?

Did any of you listen to CNN or Fox news last week??? Something major happened in the economy on September 30th.  Do you know what it was??? I meant to talk to you about it tonight to see if any of you know, but I forgot. If you can send me an email with the answer I will bring you a prize!!!!  Remember my email is

See you all next week and study hard.

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