Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hey, class.  Sorry this is so late getting posted.  But here are your assignments for Wednesday:
  • Have your final topic chosen for your research paper and tell me what it is.
  • Read Chapter 7 and know the definitions.  See the glossary on a few of them as they are not actually defined in the reading.
  • Question from your reading:  What is the business cycle and what causes it?  Write a short paragraph summarizing this.  Only ONE paragraph.
  • Refer to your economic timetable.  List the years in which depressions, recessions and inflations occured. List the years and then put out from it what occurred (depression, recession and/or inflation).
  • Do you notice anything of interest about these years?
If you miss a class, remember it is your responsiblity to call me and get the handouts or class notes from one of the other students.

Did any of you listen to CNN or Fox news this week??? Something major happened in the economy on September 30th.  Do you know what it was???

See you on Wednesday.

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