Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Class was enjoyable this evening.  Thanks so much for all of your participation.  It makes for a lively discussion.  You have several things to do this week so don't leave it until the last minute.  Do a little each day and you won't have so much to do next Tuesday or Wednesday morning. 

Here are your assignments:
  • Read the article by Lawrence Reed in your handouts that you were given this evening.
  • Find a modern article dated 2000 or later either online or in a modern encyclopedia.
  • Cite your article - author, title, publisher, date, page number, etc.
  • Make a comparison chart to compare and contrast the history of the 1878 Bland- Allison Act as described by Reed and the author of the modern article or encyclopedia.
  • Google MLA citation generator; choose article or encyclopedia and enter the information about your source.  Cut and paste and be sure to include it on your chart.
  • Choose 1 or 2 topics for your research paper and begin doing some research just to see how much info you can find on your topics. 
  • Have your final choice made by October 6th.  I said last week that you should have your final choice made by next week, but I will give you one more week. 
  • Look up silver buillon.  What is it????  Google it and find out.
  • Finish reading the article "Inflation in One Page."  Underline the important points in  #'s 4,5,and 6.
If you have any questions, call me at 812-0171 or email me at

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