Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The following is a list of possible topics for your research papers.  If you find another topic that you would like to do that is related to Economics just let me know and we can talk about it.  I did say originally that all of your sources needed to be current within the last 5-10 years.  However, some of these topics may require some sources older than that, but you should still have sources as current as you can possibly find. Begin looking on the internet and seeing what information you can find on topics that are of interest to you.  You should have your topic chosen by September 29th which would be class after next. 

1878 Bland-Allison Act
Austrian School of Economic theory
Monetarist school of Economic theory
Compare Keynesian school of Economic theory with Austrian and Monetarist
Alan Greenspan
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Notes
Gold standard
Friedrich A. Hayek
James M. Buchanan
Milton Friedman
Gresham’s Law
Who is Gresham  and what is Gresham's law?
Federal Debt
Compare socialism and capitalism
Stock Market Crash of 1929
Wage /price Spiral
Welfare system
Swiss Economy
William Simon
Common law vs. Civil Law – how it relates to economy
New Deal/ FDR
Free Market
2008 Financial Crisis
Silver Certificates
Ancient Roman Economy
Consumer Price Index
Government subsidies
How to buy gold or other precious metals
Choose a country from the list of Nations and Legal systems in the back of the book  (pages 109-121) and compare their economy with the US
There are also web addresses on pages 139-40 and 142 - 143.

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