Wednesday, September 15, 2010


First thing I want to tell you that it is such a pleasure to teach all of you.  Please give your parents a huge hug and THANK THEM PROFUSELY FOR NOT PUTTING YOU IN PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!!

Now about your assignment: 
  • Look at the list of possible topics for your papers and choose one that sounds interesting to you
  • See the blog post titled "Possible Topics for Economics Paper."
  • Read Chapter 5: Revolutions, Elections, and Printing Presses
  • Read this and look for the answer to these questions:
  1. What are reasons for inflating in a dictatorship?
  2. What are reasons for inflating in a democracy?
  3. How do modern politicians inflate?
Be sure to know definitions of all boldfaced words.  Who knows you may have another quiz!!!!  Be prepared for information from this chapter or any previous chapter. 

I will grade your paragraphs and quizzes and return them to you next week.  I did look over your quizzes and I don't think that you all did very well.  I really wasn't trying to stump you all.  I thought that all of those questions were pretty obvious in the text.  But this was only the first quiz so you will have the opportunity to bring up that grade.  As you read the next chapter look for obvious things in the text like lists, etc.  and of course the boldfaced words.

Also remember that you can get a grade on your binder.  I said that you could use a binder or a three pronged folder to keep you materials in and that I would be checking these some evening for a grade.  This isn't hard, just keep everything that I hand out to you in order and your notes in order by the dates of the classes.  So right now you should have notes from Sept 1st, 8th, and 15th and the article that we discussed tonight "Economics for Boys and Girls"  between the 8th and 15th notes.  Your notes should have all of the definitions from the boldfaced words in the book and any other notes that you took in class.  If you have missed any class notes, it is up to you to get those from one of your friends (or relatives!).

See you all next week.  Study hard. 
Ms. Debi

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