Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hey, we had a great class tonight didn't we??? God is so good.  I wasn't feeling prepared enough and I prayed that He would show me what you needed and then everyone started asking questions about your papers and we were off.  I hope the outlines were helpful to you as you continue researching your topics. 

I want you to spend as much time as you can working on your papers this week doing research so you homework assignment isn't very heavy:
  • Read in the book pages 75-81.  It is basically two very short chapters and Beyond the Basics.
  • Do Research for your papers.
  • Turn in your notecards next Wednesday.  Try to take as many notes as you can this week. Remember to be sure to put the author's name and page number on the card from where the information came from and be sure that you get all of the bibliographic information for each reference that you use. You can put all of that information on a notecard as well, with one notecard for each reference.
  • Be sure to look at the MLA information that you were given earlier so that you know what information you need in case you can't remember.
Just because you are turning in your notecards to be checked does not mean that you can't continue doing research the following week.  Keep taking your notes on cards and putting a topic on each card also so you will know to what subject it pertains. 

I know that I am behind on grading your weekly work.  I don't know that I will have it next week or not, but I will have it definitely the following week.  Thanks for your patience.

If you have any questions call me or email.  See you on Sunday.

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