Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We had a good class again this evening.  I hope that you are getting as much from this as I am.  Here are you assignments for the week.

  • Keep on researching for your paper.  Take time to go to the public library and ask the reference librarian for help.  That is what she is there for. 
  • Remember notes are very brief sentence fragments not more than 3-5 words.  They are NOT complete sentences.  Only put your direct quotes in complete sentences on your note cards.
  • Some of you need to redo the paragraph on the Boom and Bust Cycle and explain what it is.
  • Read Chapters 12 and 13 - pp. 82-93. 
  • Google Federal Debt clock or go to
  • Make a chart and keep track of the amount of Federal Dept for four days in a row. Put the dates and the amount.  It is probably a good idea to do it the same time every day, but you might want to check it several times in one day as well to see how it changes. 
  • Look at your Economic Time Table.  Make another chart with the Federal Debt in 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, and 1835. What conclusions can you draw from this information?
Hope you all have a good week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hey, we had a great class tonight didn't we??? God is so good.  I wasn't feeling prepared enough and I prayed that He would show me what you needed and then everyone started asking questions about your papers and we were off.  I hope the outlines were helpful to you as you continue researching your topics. 

I want you to spend as much time as you can working on your papers this week doing research so you homework assignment isn't very heavy:
  • Read in the book pages 75-81.  It is basically two very short chapters and Beyond the Basics.
  • Do Research for your papers.
  • Turn in your notecards next Wednesday.  Try to take as many notes as you can this week. Remember to be sure to put the author's name and page number on the card from where the information came from and be sure that you get all of the bibliographic information for each reference that you use. You can put all of that information on a notecard as well, with one notecard for each reference.
  • Be sure to look at the MLA information that you were given earlier so that you know what information you need in case you can't remember.
Just because you are turning in your notecards to be checked does not mean that you can't continue doing research the following week.  Keep taking your notes on cards and putting a topic on each card also so you will know to what subject it pertains. 

I know that I am behind on grading your weekly work.  I don't know that I will have it next week or not, but I will have it definitely the following week.  Thanks for your patience.

If you have any questions call me or email.  See you on Sunday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sorry, I forgot to update this blog with your assignment.  Hope you have time to get it finished. It really wasn't very much.

  • Read Beyond the Basics and Getting Rich Quick - pages 67-74.
  • List an example of America's Boon or Bust Cycle.  Explain the reason for your choice in 3 or 4 sentences. 
  • I hope that you did go ahead and get started on doing research for your paper.  Don't put it off, just do it a little at a time. 
See you all tomorrow (Wednesday)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We had a good class this afternoon.  You all are doing well.  Don't worry about that one quiz.  I will probably drop the lowest grade anyway.  Be sure if you are absent that you contact someone for the class notes.  We did not have any handouts today so you don't have to worry about that.  Your assignment is as follows:
  • Begin work on your research paper.  Your notes are due on October 27.  So get busy!!!
  • Read Chapter 8: Fast Money.  Know definitions.
  • As you read look for the answers to these questions:
  1. Why would people want to trade away their money quickly?
  2. What is the term for the speed at which money changes hands?
  3. What are the three stages of inflation?
  4. Do inflations have to follow the 1,2,3 stages in the order discussed above?  Explain.  List examples from history to support your answer.
  5. What keeps velocity under control?

Did any of you listen to CNN or Fox news last week??? Something major happened in the economy on September 30th.  Do you know what it was??? I meant to talk to you about it tonight to see if any of you know, but I forgot. If you can send me an email with the answer I will bring you a prize!!!!  Remember my email is

See you all next week and study hard.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hey, class.  Sorry this is so late getting posted.  But here are your assignments for Wednesday:
  • Have your final topic chosen for your research paper and tell me what it is.
  • Read Chapter 7 and know the definitions.  See the glossary on a few of them as they are not actually defined in the reading.
  • Question from your reading:  What is the business cycle and what causes it?  Write a short paragraph summarizing this.  Only ONE paragraph.
  • Refer to your economic timetable.  List the years in which depressions, recessions and inflations occured. List the years and then put out from it what occurred (depression, recession and/or inflation).
  • Do you notice anything of interest about these years?
If you miss a class, remember it is your responsiblity to call me and get the handouts or class notes from one of the other students.

Did any of you listen to CNN or Fox news this week??? Something major happened in the economy on September 30th.  Do you know what it was???

See you on Wednesday.